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The importance of Knowledge Filters and their Integration

Human understanding of the world has largely advanced in many ways due to the specialization or ‘filtering’ of knowledge. However, a casualty of this filtering approach sometimes hampers recognition of the interconnectedness and interdependency found with rapidly changing complex systems. This means that, no matter how valuable a specific perspective regarding a focused matter can be, the fuller appreciation of natural systems requires a more flexible, multi-perspective view.

In this respect, because most professionals are expert in their own area, the importance of integration of ideas has become somewhat diluted. We need to remind ourselves of the words of Leonardo da Vinci, who said:

‘Realize that everything connects to everything else’.

Associate Professor Adam Voak has responded to this notion, and, being qualified in a range of knowledge domains, is able to draw on a suite of integrated perspectives in order to more carefully understanding problems by uniting knowledge, people and ideas. In essence Dr. Voak is challenging the conventional approach of specialization by unlocking the power of human versatility and multi-perspectives. Using his traditionally developed knowledge filters in conjunction with a willingness to learn across multiple domains, Dr. Voak is able to analyse a problem through several related lenses, then make connections between what may seem, at first glance, somewhat unrelated topics. This latter activity might be thought of as effectively connecting the scattered dots and illuminating the pathways that conjoin them.

The specific knowledge filters that Dr Voak brings to bear on a complex problem are the following:

Credentials by Knowledge Filter

  • Master of Professional Studies (Sustainable Supply Chains), University of Southern Queensland
  • Certificate of Lean Supply Chain, Cardiff University
  • Certificate of Carbon Footprinting, Manchester University
  • Lean Supply Chain Management (Green Belt), Institute of Industrial Engineers
  • Graduate Certificate in Ecological Sustainable Development, TAFE NSW
  • Master of Training and Development, University of Southern Queensland
  • Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice, TAFE SA
  • Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA), Singapore Workforce Development Authority
  • Certificate IV in Pastoral Care, TAFE SA
  • Certificate IV in Career Development, Wodonga TAFE
  • Master of Education, University of Southern Queensland
  • Graduate Certificate in Adult and Vocational Education, Charles Sturt University
  • Graduate Certificate in Digital Education, VOTES
  • Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education, Victoria University
  • Diploma of Vocational Education (Simulated Business Environments), Canberra Institute of Technology
  • Diploma of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE), Singapore Workforce Development Authority
  • Master of Laws, University of New England
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, Australian National University
  • Graduate Certificate in International Customs Law and Administration, University of Canberra
  • Graduate Certificate in Legal Studies, Charles Darwin University
  • Advanced International Humanitarian Law, Australian Red Cross
  • Bachelor of Laws, University of New England
  • Admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
  • Admitted as a Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
  • Graduate Certificate in Aviation Management, University of New South Wales
  • Graduate Certificate in Maritime and Logistics Management, Australian Maritime College
  • Bachelor of Aviation Management, Griffith University
  • Advanced Diploma of Logistics Management, Northern Territory University
  • Diploma of Air Cargo Rating, IATA
  • Certificate in Cargo Marketing, IATA
  • Doctor of Business Administration, Victoria University
  • Master of Business Administration, Charles Darwin University
  • Graduate Certificate of Management, Victoria University
  • Bachelor of Business, Edith Cowan University
  • Diploma of Quality Management, Canberra Institute of Technology
  • Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety
  • Master of Arts, University of New England
  • Graduate Certificate in Management Communication, TAFE NSW
  • Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language, Tabor College
  • Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communication), Griffith University
  • International Diploma of Language Teaching Management, University of Queensland
  • Diploma of Teaching English as a Second Language, Queensland Institute of Education