
Adam’s philosophy is rooted in his belief and practice of the “REG” principles, those of Respect, Empathy and Genuineness.

Respect, for Adam, is a lived experience. At its core, it is seeing the ‘person first’. It is a human-centred belief that everyone has their own uniqueness to share with the world. It also incorporates self-respect, knowing and accepting who you are, and working towards becoming a better version of yourself.

Empathy is being able to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes”, always trying to see the situation from their perspective and listening hard. Empathy is an instrument for human connection and a simple way of recognising our similarities in a lived human experience.

Genuineness, for Adam, is endeavouring to be the real you, your authentic self, the person you were born to be. It is not fakery. Being genuine is being real, honest and true to yourself.

Adam acknowledges that this is not an exacting science, and it is a continual internal process that needs constant commitment. Not without his demons, faults, foibles and challenges, Adam continues to work harder every day on being a better human. Adam is a work in progress.