
Edited Book

Fairman, B. and Voak, A. 2023. Building a Cultural Relevant Workforce in Indonesia: Preventing Vocational Imperialism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Pratikto, H., Nasih, A., Isma’il, Z. and Voak, A. 2022. Reinforcement of the Halal Industry for Global Integration Revival: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Halal Development (ICHaD 2021), Malang, Indonesia, Octover 5, 2021. Routledge.

Pratikto, H., Taufiq, A., Voak, A., Deuraseh, N., Nur, H., Dahlan, W. and Purnomo, A., 2021. Halal Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Halal Development (ICHaD 2020), Malang, Indonesia, October 8, 2020. Taylor & Francis.

Journal Editor

Journal of Aviation Science and Technology

Nusantara Halal Journal

Book Chapters

Voak, A. 2023. Human Workforce Mobility and the Globalized Economy: Implications for VET. In Building a Cultural Relevant Workforce in Indonesia: Preventing Vocational Imperialism. (pp 45-52). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Voak, A. and Fairman, B. 2023. Unshackling Bule Dependence. In Building a Cultural Relevant Workforce in Indonesia: Preventing Vocational Imperialism (pp 79-87). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Churiyah, M., Pratikto, H., Susanti, E., Wibowo, L.A. and Voak, A., 2021, November. Halal Tourism, Implementation and What is Needed: Indonesia Case. In BISTIC Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC 2021) (pp. 1-8). Atlantis Press.

Voak, A. and Fairman, B., 2021. Building human capability to ensure halal supply chain compliance. In Halal Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges (pp. 1-6). Routledge.

Smith, Michael, Adam Voak, and Don Gunasekera. “Approaches, Challenges and Impacts of Asian Regional Multimodal Logistics for Supply Chain Integration and Interdependencies.” In Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics–Trends, Challenges, Methods and Best Practices, pp. 165-174. Springer, Cham, 2020.

Fairman, B., Salak, A., Maliki, M. and Voak, A. (2021) “Implementation and Acceptance of Online Learning in the Indonesian Civil Service: Are we there Yet?”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, 7(1), pp. 161–173. doi: 10.17501/24246700.2021.7116.

Fairman, B., Voak, A. and Sujatmaka, U., 2020. Training needs analysis implementation: Dilemmas and paradoxes. In Managing Learning Organization in Industry 4.0 (pp. 136-142). Routledge.

Journal Articles

Wahyuni, H.C.,  Masudin, I.,  T Wulandri, T., and Voak, A. 2024. Analysis of interplay between food safety systems and halal standards in Indonesia. International Food Research Journal, 31 (2), 306-319.
Dahlan, Ahmad, Akhmad Faozan, Naerul Edwin Kiky Aprianto, and Adam Voak. 2024. Social Cohesion of Kampong Lorong Buangkok: Community Amidst Singaporean Industrialization. International Journal of Religion 5 (7), 237-247.

Voak, A., Helmy, A., Fairman, B., & Afriansyah, A. 2024. Kampus merdeka: Indonesia’s once-in-a-generation response to educational reform. TVET@sia, 22, 1-21.

Wahyuni, H. C., Rosid, M. A., Azara, R., & Voak, A. (2024). Blockchain technology design based on food safety and halal risk analysis in the beef supply chain with FMEA-FTA. Journal of Engineering Research.

Dahlan, A., Voak, A., and Aprianto, N. E. K. 2024. The Political Challenge of Islamic Economic Development in The Jokowi Government, Indonesia. IQTISHODUNA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 13(1), 81–100.

Voak, A., Fairman, B., & Wahyuni, H. C. 2023. Halal supply chain competencies: A framework for human capability development. Journal of Resilient Economies, 3(2), 13–23.

Wahyuni, H. C., Khafidin, K., & Voak, A. 2023. What Are the Risks of Halal Cosmetic Products? Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry, 5 (1), 77-96.

Voak, A., and Fairman, B. 2023. Building Practitioner Resilience: Reflections on developing industry-led occupational standards in Indonesia. Journal of Resilient Economies, 3(1), pp 18-27.

Muslihati, Sobri, A. Y., Voak, A., Fairman, B., Wonorahardjo, S. and Suryani, A. W. 2023. Engaging With Industry Through Internships in Order to Acquire the Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes for the World of Work: The Indonesian Student Experience, Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(9). doi: 10.33423/jhetp.v23i9.6125.

Sayem, M.A., Aprianto, N.E.K. and Voak, A., 2023. Perspectives on the Islamic Welfare State: The Goals of Economic Development Justice. el-Jizya, 11, pp.103-120.

Voak, A., Fairman, B., Helmy, A. and Afriansyah, A., 2023. Kampus Merdeka: Providing Meaningful Engagement in a Disruptive World. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(8), pp.223-234.

Helmy, A., Fairman, B. and Voak, A., 2023. Reflecting on Teaching and Learning-Implications for VET Practice, Post COVID-19 Pandemic. TVET@sia, 20.

Fairman, B., Voak, A. and Babacan, H., 2022. Human Mobility and Dismantling Cultural Dominance: Creating Collaborative Conversations to Secure Talent in a Post-COVID world. Journal of Resilient Economies, 2(1).

Siminjutak, P, Voak, A, Fairman, B. 2022.Historical Account of VET Interventions in Indonesia: Which Way forward?. Asian Journal of University Education, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 2, p. 544-553

Helmy, A., Fairman, B. and Voak, A., 2021. Managing the Challenges of Vocational Education and Training in Indonesia-The Mire of Uncertainty! Journal of Education and Practice, 12(33), pp. 22-27.

Fairman, B., Voak, A. and Babacan, H., 2021. Meaningful Practice Intervention: What Does It Look Like? Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(22), pp. 1-8.

Voak, A. and Fairman, B., 2020. Anticipating Human Resource Development Challenges and Opportunities in ‘Halal Supply Chains’ and ‘Halal Logistics’ within ASEAN. Nusantara Halal Journal, 1(1), pp. 1-9.

Fairman, B., Voak, A., Abdullah, H. and Indarjo, A., 2020. Re-skilling vocational education and training practitioners in Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference series 1516(1) p. 012045.

VOAK, A. and FAIRMAN, B., 2020. Crossing borders: anticipated challenges in building a body of knowledge for the digital printing sector to promote relevant human capability and mobility in a local context. Journal of Printing Science and Technology, 57(1), pp.29-32.

Fairman, B. and Voak, A., 2020. Building Indonesian Human Capability: Reducing Dependency On Foreign Expertise in The Further Education and Training Sector. People: International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), pp.121-133.

Voak, A. and Smith, M., 2020. The Rise of 3D Printing: Its Human Capability Impacts and the Nature of Emerging Interdependencies Along the Global Supply Chain. Journal of Printing Science and Technology, 57(1), pp.23-28.

Smith, M., Gunasekera, D., Wimalasuriya, R., Newth, D. and Voak, A., 2019. Effects of ASEAN Transport Connectivity Enhancement. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 27, pp.149-176.

Professional Magazine Articles

Voak, A., 2011. The future of logistics, the human factor: Art versus science. The Link: Australian Defense Logistics Magazine, 8, pp.12-13.

Conference Proceedings

Smith, Michael, Voak, Adam and Fairman, Brian 2019, Creating an industry-led vocational training system in the transport and logistics sector within Indonesia, in ICMESS 2019 – RF : Proceedings of the 542nd International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Science, Institute for Technology and Research, Odisha, India.

Fairman, B., Voak, A., Soeparto. and Maliki., 2019, December. Training and Assessor courses-from ‘Guru-led’ to participatory learning. In 597th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Practice. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Fairman, B., Voak, A. and Helmy, A., 2019, October. Reflections on the ‘Malang Declaration’: Models of Engagement within a Research Program. In 2019 International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS), Malang, Indonesia.

Smith, M., Wimalasuriya, R. and Voak, A., 2019, February. Better transport connectivity in ASEAN: Impacts on commodity trade. In 2019 Conference (63rd), February 12-15, 2019, Melbourne, Australia (No. 285090). Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES). … 20on%20commodity.pdf